The International Society of Cardiology (ISC), a predecessor to the World Heart Federation, is formed. Its primary function is to organise the quadrennial World Congress of Cardiology (WCC).

At the 5th WCC in New Delhi, the ISC establishes 8 Scientific Councils, including the Scientific Council on Epidemiology and Prevention. This council’s main function is to train professionals in epidemiological methods in cardiology through the International Ten-Day Teaching Seminars on Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Prevention.

At the 6th WCC in London, the International Cardiology Federation is formed in order to raise funds for the scientific and medical programs of the ISC

At the 8th WCC in Tokyo, ISC merges with the International Cardiology Federation to become the International Society and Federation of Cardiology (ISFC)

The ISFC is reorganised and renamed to form the World Heart Federation (WHF), with a new focus on influencing government policy. Over the next decade, the eight scientific councils are dissolved and given the option to continue as autonomous organisations.

ISCEP is officially formed as an independent, incorporated organisation that maintains membership within WHF